Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hello Exercise, It's so nice to see you again

I wanted to pat myself on the back that after 6 weeks of not being able to exercise, my ban was finally lifted and I have been enjoying exercising for the last 3 days, yee-haw!  You never know how much you need, miss, want, or yes, even enjoy, something until you can't do it.  I am starting out slow(dr.'s orders), but I have enjoyed exercising(riding my bike at interval levels)for the last 3 days.  I never made it a priority before, I usually would throw in some exercise here and there, but now I make it a PRIORITY.  I now just need to do it at the start of my day instead of the middle, but for now, it works.  Baby steps for me for now, and hopefully in a couple of months I'll be running again-or at least doing more than just my bike.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Never Mind I just tried on a swimsuit. (Sob.) Let's just say I will not be entering any swimsuit competitions this year. Goodbye, Baskin Robbins. You will be missed. And now I will remove the 1" of dust from the treadmill.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Whoa. You guys are awesome. I was excited about this blog, but I never thought there would be so many comments and successes already! I was kind of hoping we'd all just blog about exercising and then secretly meet at Baskin Robbins or something. Shoot, you guys are for real. I guess I better get my bum into gear. Actually, I saw this cool clip on msn about what foods make you feel full. It is very interesting:

And a question for everyone with their thinking caps on: No matter how bad or good I eat, my weight never really changes. What's up with that? This doesn't mean I have to exercise, does it? DOES IT?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Back in the game!

I'd been doing really well for a couple of months (apart from Christmas!), then over the last couple of weeks, kind of slacked off...stopped tracking my food, stopped working out as hard (I'd work out at home for 20 minutes, as opposed to at the gym for 45 - 60 minutes).  And all of the sudden, my clothes stopped fitting as well, I was getting winded from dumb stuff again, etc.  Drat!

So today, I'm back in the game!  I know you CAN work out well at home; I am just so much more motivated at the gym where I don't have to worry about interruptions, or worry about how loud I am to the apartment underneath us.  So I went to the gym again today for 50 minutes and I started tracking my food again.

I had an epiphany of sorts as I was tracking my heart rate and realizing it had crept up again.  I realized that if I want to improve my cardio health without taking medications, I need to treat exercise like a medication - and do it regularly!  I can't get the benefits by doing a little here, a little there.  Unfortunately.

Keep up the good work, everyone!

(by the way, this is Emmy, not Brad but I don't want to log him off his account)

Lana's Big Win This Week

I just thought I would share a little victory this week. I lost 4 pounds in 1 week! WOW I have really been focusing on my unnecessary snacking and honestly I have been eating whatever I feed Carter because he eats so much healthier than me. I always have joked that if I ate the ratio of vegetables and fruit to other foods as Carter I would be skinnier... well I might have been right.
Anyways I just feel like I needed to celebrate my loss this week because now I feel a little more accountable like I need to keep up my hard workouts and better eating habits.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gotta keep the ball rolling...

I went all night without snacking. Now that I've done it once, the pressure's on. Gotta keep this ball rolling. The suspense is killing me.